at home to get new perspectives.

till evening.
of independence

Work packages

It concerns the coordination part of the project from a strategic and administrative point of view. It will include the management of the partners’ work and the connection with AAL to monitor the
Quality Assurance System.
- Administrative Management
- Reporting
- Risk & Quality Management
In this phase we focus on all those activities that concern the involvement of elderly adults. From the recruitment to the analysis of customer behaviour and attitude, purchasing processes, regulatory and other decision-making for validating the customer appreciation.
- User Requirements
- User Centred Design (UCD) Methodology
- Involvement of Users in System Engineering

From the first month we will work on the design and the construction of the device, implementing the core system. This means not only the device, but also the technology behind: web portal and smartphone apps, as primary user interfaces to the system. The final objective is to deliver a fully integrated system.
- System Architecture
- Hardware Engineering
- Software Implementation
- System Integration
- System Optimization
A new product will be developed, and it needs a professional Design Project throughout the duration of the activities. An aesthetic design scheme is generated, followed by functional and technological design implementation. The objective is to lead from a design consulting support to a high-level prototype.
- Design Research
- Design Briefing
- Design Concept
- Design Sketch
- Technical Design Development
- Design Model Making
- Prototype Design Support

The activities for the definition and implementation of a communication strategy at a local and international level. The communication must concern the dissemination and exploitation of the
eSticky system.
- Dissemination Plan and Implementation
- Exploitation Plan and Implementation



Different backgrounds


HICS will lead the commercialization of the final product, coordinating the entire project. HICS is an Italian startup operating in the “Smart Living” sector with solutions that facilitate daily life. Among its main projects, the HICSPERIENCE products line is designed to simplify the interaction of Home and Building Automation systems and of Internet of Thing solutions.

KI-I (Competence Network Information Technology to Support the Integration of People with Disabilities) will work on the design of the accessible user interface, development of the web portal and smartphone apps. KI-I is an Austrian company that deals with the improvement of living conditions of people with disabilities and elderly people. The KI-I can be seen as a platform for information exchange in this area.

UCY, the Department of Computer Science of University of Cyprus is active in the areas of information and communication technology (ICT). Its research falls under the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, Software Engineering, Internet and Mobile Technologies, e-Health and e-Learning. In this project UCY will provide its knowledge and experience on home server and on middleware platforms.

HARPO is a Polish research centre for assistive technology for people with various disabilities. It will lead the user involvement issues and will constantly monitor, discuss, evaluate and provide feedback based on the system development activities (executed in WP3: Implementation).

Assistenz24, is a non-profit organization and administers a comprehensive range of assistance services with a special focus on people with mental and physical disabilities. A24 will take over mainly User Involvement activities (WP2), exploiting their know how in the analysis of user needs and their large user base.

Werner Daxberger is an Austrian product designer with a long-term experience in the design of aesthetic products. In eSticky Werner Daxberger will design a successful and effective product. Since the product will be intended for an elderly target, it must be supported by an ergonomic design, suitable also for an inexperienced user.

Gerd Rosenauer is a product designer. Since 2000, as an independent entrepreneur he has looked after customers with a focus on technical implementation in the design process. With Werner Daxberger will take care of the Industrial design activities (WP 4), with a focus on functional and technological design implementation.

Mrs Smith is an 82 years-old woman with mild dementia, and she lives alone, far from her son. She often forgets to drink water.
Mrs Smith will get reminded to drink water. She reads the note on her eSticky display.
After drinking water, Mrs Smith confirms the OK-button and this information is automatically sent to the family member connected to the system.

User friendly
Our systems are designed for elderly people, so their structure and graphics will be as easy as possible, useful to our users

Remote control
Basic cloud services offered by the home server and managed by its middleware, will simplify the connection and remote management of home eSticky displays by the carer and family members

Battery life
Our displays will be based on Android OS and will be equipped with 3G, WI-FI and BLE (Bluetooth
Low Energy) standard radio communication protocols
eSticky in Daily Social Welfare Home “Klub Starówka” in Poznań
On January 19, 2024, Harpo representatives had the pleasure of visiting one of the Daily Social Welfare Home No. 4 “Klub Starówka” in Poznań…
eSticky Plenary Meeting: launch of the prototype in Bologna
The eSticky Plenary Meeting, the meeting organized by all the eSticky partners, will take place over two days, on 28 and 29 September. It…
Fighting Alzheimer’s together: a commitment to autonomy and awareness
Today, September 21, the world unites to commemorate World Alzheimer’s Day, an important opportunity to raise awareness and unite in the fight against this…
eSticky devices at the “Autumn school for young neurologists”
The conference “Autumn school for young neurologists” was held not many days ago, organized by Via Medica, under the patronage of the Main Council…
eSticky device: early design mockup
During the development of the eSticky project, we presented several tangible, non-functional 3D design mockups. These mockups, which showed an accurate appearance of aesthetics,…
Base box design of eSticky device
A base box is required in the eSticky device to integrate the hub hardware. In fact, a power supply unit is required for operation….
UI Design Concept: the eSticky project
After defining what the eSticky product functions are, the next step is to develop main ideas and solutions that fulfill these functions. In this…
Mounting of eSticky device
The mounting system is a product feature of the eSticky system that should not be underestimated. The operator should be able to mount the…
Practical functions: handling optimization, cleaning, device maintenance
The requirements created in the design brief are applied as the project progresses. This leads to design coordination. Based on continuous process interaction, the…
Implementation of eSticky hardware: features and components
For the eSticky project, robo.com was involved as the prototype hardware supplier. The hardware test prototype that was provided has parts that form the…
Selection of hardware components of eSticky
According to the design research, the use of eSticky devices should be easy for our target group, that is, people with memory problems. Therefore,…
eSticky’s User Interface: a comprehensive overview
Before beginning the implementation of the user interface (UI) for secondary users, an initial version of this UI was designed in the form of…
Toward Cyprus: the sustainable journey of designer Werner Daxberger
A meeting on the eSticky project was held in Cyprus on May 18 and 19 focusing on the final analysis of the prototype-the ergonomic…
eSticky at the Long-Term Care in Practice conference in Opole
On May 18, 2023, the Long-Term Care in Practice conference was held in Opole under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Health. The…
eSticky at the SightCity fair in Frankfurt
With the eSticky project, we had the pleasure of participating in the SightCity fair in Frankfurt, May 10-12, 2023. Despite the hybrid mode, representatives…
Design for all: one of the key elements of the eSticky project
The eSticky project aims to help older people gain new perspectives by helping them remember their commitments and small daily appointments. Another important goal…
Standards and interoperability: eSticky’s ISO standards
eSticky is a digital post-it note that helps older people remember their daily commitments and small appointments. The system will be designed to be…
eSticky: your digital post-it note
Older people are bearers of wisdom and experience, but also keepers of memory and memories related to history and family. However, the phenomenon of…
Display of eSticky: device’s design
The practical functions of ease of use, cost consciousness, and environmental issues are the terms that can be used to describe the properties of…
Ergonomic requirements of eSticky’s individual hardware elements
When we talk about ergonomic design we refer to an optimized interface between “man and machine”. In the eSticky project, ergonomic design includes both…
User stories: the primary and secondary user interaction procedure with eSticky
The purpose of the eSticky project is to support people with memory problems so that they maintain their independence in life. To do this,…
System Architecture of eSticky: how it works
The purpose of eSticky is to support people with memory problems to make them increasingly autonomous and independent even in their own homes. That…
Alzheimer’s disease and prevention: how to keep the brain young
Alzheimer’s is an increasingly common disease. However, even today there is no cure. Not only that, according to recent studies, cases of dementia will…
Universal Design Approach of eSticky: how it works
The Universal Design Approach used by eSticky is a process of creating products that are easily accessible even by people with disabilities. These products…
Spring School of Young Neurologists: together for the future
The Spring School of Young Neurologists online conference was held on March 3-4, 2023, with the support of the Main Council of the Polish…
Harpo at the conference in Poznań
On Thursday, February 16, 2023, The Long-Term Care in Practice conference under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Health was held in Poznań….
EWAHA 2022 – Poland
eSticky to the European Week for Active and Healthy Aging (EWAHA) to be held October 18-20, 2022 in Gdansk, Poland! EWAHA is the European…
Always keep track of the location of your loved one
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a serious disease that affects many older people today. Caring for AD patients can be both physically and mentally demanding….
The difference between Dementia and Alzheimer’s
Today we talk about the difference between Dementia and Alzheimer’s which very often are considered the same thing. Dementia has replaced an older word…
Big Data and scientific research
Big Data has been called, in recent years, “an invaluable source of value,” the new gold, but merely collecting the data, while taking advantage…
eSticky is your digital Post-it.
What is 𝗲𝗦𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗸𝘆? ✅ eSticky is a digital Post-it. It is a simple display that can also be hung on the wall and will…
Advanced technological solutions
Our platform uses the best technologies, and above all 3 main features: 😉 User friendly Our systems are designed for older people, so they…
Technology has also entered the Braille tables
Harpo has been a leader in the industry for years. Connect to your phone, netbook, PC or tablet; browse your external device, write SMS,…
What is the AAL – Active and Assisted Living project
AAL was a joint program in support of an active and autonomous life (Active and Assisted Living), born after the conclusion of a previous…
A working group from around the world
An international working group We are seven partners from four European countries-Italy, Austria, Cyprus and Poland. We have brought our design, marketing and technology…
In the design of apps dedicated to healthcare (healthcare apps), the design of an engaging UX affects the interaction skills between doctor and patient
The design of healthcare apps is a very complex process, which involves great responsibilities for ux designers: the best thing to do, first of…
Conference “Brain – development – Communication” | 2-3 March in Poznan
On March 2nd and 3rd there will be a scientific conference on “Brain – Development – Communication” and eSticky will also be present! The…
A new way to track the progression of Alzheimer
The concentration of a particular protein in CSF (CSF, cerebrospinal fluid), the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord, is a reliable indicator…
How does eSticky work in practice? Mrs Smith explains it to us!
Let’s take an example to explain the potential of eSticky. 👵🏻 Mrs. Smith is an 82-year-old woman with mild dementia and lives alone,…
Low energy bluetooth technology
Our displays will be based on the Android operating system and will be equipped with 3G, WI-FI and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) connectivity. BLE…
What is dementia
What are we without memory? It is possible to face daily challenges by forgetting who we are or the name of the objects that…
Living Through Touch Symposium– Smart, Haptic Communication for Inclusion, Accessibility, and Participation
Communications and technology influence each other. When health problems arise, devices equipped with artificial intelligence can help the psychophysical improvement of subjects. Many studies…
The importance of colors in digital
The chromatic agreement or disagreement helps to define the device in terms of usability. Furthermore, the choice of colors predominantly affects the emotions and…
First hardware tests
The revolution brought about by the introduction of ICT (information communication technology) favors social well-being by introducing intelligent systems. Emerging technologies, applied in every…
UI mockup user tests
Dementia doesn’t take a break in times of the coronavirus. The circumstances caused by loneliness and less interaction have tended to exacerbate the situations…
How eSticky works
ESticky is configured as a digital post-it able to communicate information and transmit notifications. In the last meeting held by the partners it was…
Usability of the platform
The eSticky project is proceeding at full speed and the researches oriented to its functioning are more and more precise. One of the aspects…
Strategy and Communication
The purpose of the device is to be able to convey information clearly and transparently to people with memory impairments, but the project also…
User-friendly Architecture
Focusing on the design phase and building a solid system architecture is crucial for the success of a product. The aim of the eSticky…
Kickoff meeting. The beginning of a great project
With the health emergency, the traditional kick off meeting was held online thanks to the Skype platform! The seven partners involved in the creation…
Post-it and memory – eSticky is born
The Estiky project was born out of the need to develop a device that would be a valuable support tool for people with memory…
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