eSticky’s User Interface: a comprehensive overview
Before beginning the implementation of the user interface (UI) for secondary users, an initial version of this UI was designed in the form of UI-mock-ups, which were subsequently evaluated by potential end users.
End users were asked questions such as:
● understanding of capability;
● understanding of usability;
● accessibility of the UI.
The results of this evaluation and their implications for further work in WP3, are documented within the aforementioned document. At the same time, user comments are evaluated from the perspective of usefulness and feasibility, taking into account technical restrictions as well as the project plan and the time and resources available for implementation.
In this article, we see the models used in user evaluation, carried out in collaboration between technical and design partners. Thus, in essence, it reflects the same information that users received along with the simulation document, before questions were asked
about the user interface.
Each of the following bullet points refers to a page number in the mock-up document, the same document that users received, describing the functions on that specific page.
eSticky’s User Interface
Page 1
This is eSticky’s home page, which is the first thing a user sees when he or she turns on the newly purchased system and enters the URL for the web interface in a browser. It allows you to choose a language and start the configuration process.
Page 2
On this page, the user can choose a descriptive name for the base station. After that, the user can create an account on the registration server-Register-or log in with an existing account. If the user is a professional assistant, administering the base stations of several users, they may already have an account).
Page 3
This is the registration page, where users can enter their full name, email address, and choose a password.
Page 4
Here the user-who is now an administrator on this base station-can pair displays and assign them descriptive names. The process is described at the top of the page. At the bottom, the administrator can add additional – secondary – users to the base station by entering their names and email addresses.
In addition, the administrator must define the level of rights that each specific user should be granted. A brief description of what a particular setting means at the time it is selected is shown.
If a user account with the entered email address already exists in the system, the user is informed-via email-that he or she now has access to this specific base station. If the account does not yet exist, the informational e-mail will also contain a confirmation link (see page 6).
Page 5
This is the eSticky login page that is shown when a user wishes to connect to a base station. The user must enter the email address and password to gain access.
Page 6
This is the email a user receives after obtaining access rights to a base station. In this particular case, the user is new to eSticky and must confirm the validity of the email address by clicking on the confirmation link.
Page 7
This is an empty message list after activating the system for the first time. The user can choose to add a new message.
Page 8
This is the dialog box for creating a new message. The user can enter a text for the message, decide whether it is active or passive, and add an icon. Next, the user must define a start date and time. Most other options are optional and can be activated on demand.
The end date defines when a repeated message will stop repeating. The same is true for the time. Duration defines how long a message is displayed. Repeated messages can be set to repeat at regular time intervals within the same day, but also daily, weekly or monthly.
At the bottom of the page, the user can choose the monitor-or monitors-that is to show the message. In the case of an active message, it is not possible to choose passive monitors.
Page 9
The message list again: this time it contains messages, which can now be edited or deleted.
Page 10
The calendar view shows the schedule of messages by monitor, per day. The day can be chosen by clicking on the calendar month located on the left. Here days with messages set are marked with a blue dot.
Page 11
The calendar display for the same day, but in a different monitor. A repeating message was set in this case.
Page 12
As above, but for a different day. Displays the same repeating message, as this has obviously been set for an extended period of time.
Page 13
Message creation dialog again, as described on page 8 (see above). This time it shows the creation of an active message, so there are no passive monitors shown in the list.
Page 14
A preview of the set message-as it would be shown on the eSticky display-after pressing the “Preview” button.
Page 15
The calendar display, showing an example of an active message that has already been confirmed by the main user.
Page 16
This is the view the user gets when editing an existing message. Except for the header, it is the same dialog box as when creating a message.
Page 17
The calendar view after deleting a message.
Page 18
This view shows the status of the monitors, including the currently displayed message. The user can choose to edit a monitor.
Page 19
When the user chooses to edit a monitor, he or she gets the same view as when initially associating the monitors. Here the descriptive name for existing monitors can be changed or new monitors can be associated.
In addition, users at this base station can be edited in the same view.
Page 20
This is the eSticky system settings dialog box. It provides an overview of base station users and connected monitors, divided into active and passive. The administrator chooses to add a new user or monitor.
Page 21
This is the logout page. The user can change their data or log out of eSticky.
Page 22
Once logged out, the login page is displayed again.
Page 23
When a user logs in who has access to several base stations, he or she must choose the one to connect to now.