eSticky is a digital post-it note that helps older people remember their daily commitments and small appointments. 

The system will be designed to be simple and flexible for all users. The graphic displays-on which the post-its will be displayed and intended for use by end users-will have a very simple and accessible user interface and setup procedure. In particular, the interface will be based on the experience of our partners and will be developed in cooperation with end-user groups in two countries-Poland and Austria. 

The development and evaluation of the eSticky system will be based on the application of ISO standards and guidelines. 


ISO Standards  

Based on International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards, the consortium partners intend to create a usable, effective and interactive system that will be mapped to user requirements.

Let’s take a closer look at the ISO standards that will serve as guidelines for the eSticky project. 


ISO 9241-11:2018: Ergonomics of human-system interaction – Part 11: Usability

The definitions and concepts in these guidelines will be used in the eSticky project to guide the implementation of a human-centered design process, thus adhering to universal design standards.


ISO 9241-210:2019: Ergonomics of human-system interaction – Part 210: Human-centered design for interactive systems

Here is what a note within this standard says:

The term human-centered design is used rather than user-centered design to emphasize that this document also addresses other impacts, not just those generally considered to be users. However, in practice, these terms are often used synonymously.” 

Therefore, it is worth noting that the terms are basically used interchangeably, and in this sense they will be used in the project. The main goal of eSticky will be to design a usable system that can provide a whole range of benefits, including: 

  • increased productivity;
  • increased user well-being;
  • stress avoidance;
  • increased accessibility;
  • reduced risk of harm.


ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148-2018: International standard – Systems and software engineering – Life cycle processes.

The software engineering perspective will also be considered in the development of eSticky, which includes provisions for processes and products related to requirements engineering for systems and software products, as well as the various services throughout their life cycle.


eSticky: the digital post-it note that helps memory 

We are seven partners from four European countries-Italy, Austria, Cyprus and Poland. We brought together our design, marketing and technology skills and knowledge in the eSticky project for AAL, the European research and development program to support active and independent living.

What we did was to imagine a digital post-it note that helps older people remember their daily commitments and small appointments. A network of graphic displays assist the user by showing important information, such as: 

  • scheduled events;
  • medication reminders;
  • nutritional recommendations. 

The aim of the project is to support people with memory problems so that they maintain their own autonomy in life.


To live their days independently.