User stories: the primary and secondary user interaction procedure with eSticky
The purpose of the eSticky project is to support people with memory problems so that they maintain their independence in life. To do this,…
System Architecture of eSticky: how it works
The purpose of eSticky is to support people with memory problems to make them increasingly autonomous and independent even in their own homes. That…
Alzheimer’s disease and prevention: how to keep the brain young
Alzheimer’s is an increasingly common disease. However, even today there is no cure. Not only that, according to recent studies, cases of dementia will…
Universal Design Approach of eSticky: how it works
The Universal Design Approach used by eSticky is a process of creating products that are easily accessible even by people with disabilities. These products…
Spring School of Young Neurologists: together for the future
The Spring School of Young Neurologists online conference was held on March 3-4, 2023, with the support of the Main Council of the Polish…
Harpo at the conference in Poznań
On Thursday, February 16, 2023, The Long-Term Care in Practice conference under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Health was held in Poznań….
EWAHA 2022 – Poland
eSticky to the European Week for Active and Healthy Aging (EWAHA) to be held October 18-20, 2022 in Gdansk, Poland! EWAHA is the European…
Always keep track of the location of your loved one
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a serious disease that affects many older people today. Caring for AD patients can be both physically and mentally demanding….
The difference between Dementia and Alzheimer’s
Today we talk about the difference between Dementia and Alzheimer’s which very often are considered the same thing. Dementia has replaced an older word…
Big Data and scientific research
Big Data has been called, in recent years, “an invaluable source of value,” the new gold, but merely collecting the data, while taking advantage…